Eddie has spent at least thirty golden years in show business. She is a physical theatre performer, a movement director and leads community performance. She combines choreography, script and technology of all kinds in her productions, which are staged both in theatres and on specific sites.Their themes deal with her square mile and its place in the world.These productions have toured that world whilst this year it was a joy to travel the length of Ceredigionwith an ice-cream van that visited places with hymns named after them. Mae Eddie wedibod yn berfformiwr theatr gorfforol ers oes pys.
Mae’n berfformiwr theatr gorfforol, yn gyfarwyddwr symud ac arweinydd gwaith yn ygymuned. Cyfunagoreograffi, sgript a thechnoleg o bob math yn ei darnau, sydd weithaumewn theatraua bryd arall ar safleoedd arbennig. Mae’r themâu yn olrhain ei milltir sgwâra’i le yn y byd. Aed â rhain ar daith ledledhwnnw,trafisMawrth eleniteithioddGeredigiongyda fan hufen iâ yn ymweld â llefydd yr enwyd emyn donau ar eu hôl.